Beauty Pills

If you saw "Sex and the City 2", you probably smiled when Samantha is taken every morning a handful of pills of different colors. Every "weapon" to declare war against time.

Because there are some pills that really keep you fresh and new every time. We present them

To improve the microcirculation.

Pill, which helps on a regular basis, and the microcirculation of the blood and keeps the skin toned. (Inneov, incompleteness D-Tox)

Use the elasticity of the skin

For all those women who have reached 45, there are some pills that contain active ingredients anti aging and protect your face and chest. (Oenobiol Women 45 +)

To slow the aging

A pill containing extracts of grape and ologoelements every day after lunch, helps slow the aging process.

For a skin of bronze

Skin protection from UV rays, and skin of bronze, is a "pearl" anti-oxidants and beta-carotene. (Balance, control points)

For a more efficient power

Every morning, a capsule of green, and every evening a red capsules of cod liver oil and plant extracts are needed during the diet. (Rilastil Lipofusin)

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